7 Ways to Make Your Home Environmentally Friendly

In the modern age, it's time we all took some responsibility to do everything we can to make our homes more environmentally friendly. In this guide, we're explaining some of the best ways that you can make your home more environmentally friendly, whether this means changing your habits or adding some new technology to your home.
Your home improvement budget is often best spent on environmentally-friendly methods, not just to be kind to the planet but to be kind to your bank balance, too. A lot of the time, the technology that makes our home more environmentally friendly is economical in the long run. As long as you aren't dipping into your crisis management plan funds, investing in an eco-home may make perfect sense.
Install solar panels
Solar panels can offset your bills or even provide an income. In some parts of the world, you can feed electricity back into the grid, make money in the process, or add credit to your electricity bill.
Solar panels don't have to take up a lot of space in your garden or anything, as many people can install them as a part of the roof. Some new homes have solar panels inbuilt to help with the power needs. If they are in the roofing, you may not even notice that they are there.
Solar panels can have a big impact on your electricity usage, and though there is an upfront installation cost, it can be more than worth it for many homes.
Technology can be your friend when it comes to your home. We have more ways to automate than ever before, for instance, using smart lights and smart heaters. This means that you can set the heating (or air conditioning) to turn off once you have fallen asleep, for example. This is a great way to save a bit of money and to be environmentally friendly.
Many of us are already doing a form of this using a thermostat. We can set the heating or cooling to kick in at a certain temperature. Smart devices have taken this even further.
Heating and cooling can be one of the most expensive aspects of running a home. According to studies, heating and cooling account for more than half of a home's utility bills. Why spend all that money on a heating system or an air conditioner, only to have it ruined by poor insulation?
Insulating your home makes it far easier to control the temperatures within. This means that it makes perfect sense to get your roof insulated and ensure that the most modern technology is being used. It's not an exaggeration to say that proper insulation could save you thousands in the long run.
Insulation can extend to better-quality windows, such as double-glazed options. Also, if you live in a home with lots of hardwood floors, they might not be the best for insulation, which is why you might consider rugs and even control the draught around doors. You don't have to get a professional insulation company in to make these smaller changes.
Buy household products responsibly
When you are doing your weekly shop, or even going to the store to pick up a couple of things, think about what you are buying. Is the packaging sustainable and recyclable?
Chemical use can also play a big part in any environmental decision. The cleaning products you are buying and supporting may be releasing harmful chemicals. Make sure that, wherever possible, you are using responsibly-made cleaning products.
You can also use recycled products wherever possible. It may cost a little extra to buy things like recycled toilet paper, but it is a worthy investment to reduce your footprint.
Most homes are now in the habit of recycling, which can only be a good thing for the environment. You can also go as far as to decide on what you are buying based on whether or not it is recyclable. This puts pressure on food and drink manufacturers to make their products more responsible and sustainable.
Recycling goes much further than just bottles and cans. You can recycle things like clothing and even electronic devices. Things that have been sitting in drawers gathering dust can be put to good use. Remember; reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Choose energy-efficient light bulbs
Lightbulbs have become so much more energy-efficient in recent years, so why not make a point of buying the most eco-friendly LED lights? They don't cost much more, and most lights are compatible with some form of an energy-efficient bulb. This saves money and reduces waste. It's a no-brainer, but it has taken many people some time to get used to the revolution.
Consider your water use
Another way to be responsible is to think about how you are using water. Did you know that a low-flow showerhead could save thousands of liters of water in a family of four? Water is not a limitless resource as some people seem to think, and using less clean water saves money and is great for the environment.
You can implement some smaller habits, too, such as not leaving the water running while you shave or brush your teeth. Start to think of water as more of a treasured resource to preserve it and instill good habits in the rest of your family.